Discover Kadas

Explore our collection of beautiful kadas and find the perfect one for you.

Frequently asked questions

What is is the platform where we sale high quality of Kada's, and other products like key chain, car hangings and more, made by FatehWS (Fateh WorkShop) In Punjab. We make quality not quantity.

What is Sarbloh Karha?

Sarbloh is a type of martial known for its purity, composed entirely of pure iron without impurities. Wearing a Sarbloh Punjabi kada offers various benefits to the body. It helps prevent low iron levels in the blood and aids in controlling blood pressure.

How do I customize my KADA's?

At FATEHWS, we offer customization options beyond just kadas. You can personalize your order according to your preferences, whether it's a custom keychain or personalized car or truck hangings. To make these changes, you can easily reach out to us via WhatsApp or give us a call during our working hours. Additionally, we are considering introducing a feature on our website to enable direct ordering online.

What sort of Materials available?

Presently, our inventory comprises Sarbloh (Pure Iron), Stainless Steel, Brass, Copper, Magnetic Steel, and Titanium (Grade 5).

What is magnetic steel?

Magnetic steel, a preferred material in our collection, is commonly used in crafting our Punjabi kadas. This material possesses qualities akin to both iron and stainless steel. It exhibits magnetic properties, allowing it to be attracted to magnets, yet it resists rust and corrosion.

What does Jointless means in kadas?

In the market, two types of kadas are available: jointless kadas and kadas made with joints. Both types appear similar to the average person, making it difficult to distinguish between them visually. However, the main difference lies in the manufacturing process.

Kadas made with joints are crafted from a wire. This involves rounding the wire and shaping it into a ring, then welding the two joining ends together before machining. While this process saves material and time, it may compromise the quality of the kada.

On the other hand, jointless kadas are made from a solid rod. The entire process is completed without welding. A whole ring is cut from the solid rod, making this method time-consuming and resulting in more material wastage. However, it ensures the accuracy and quality of the final product.

At FATEHWS, we exclusively use the jointless method to craft all our kadas. This dedication to quality manufacturing processes ensures that our products maintain a high standard of quality.

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